The Best Ways to Get Involved in Community Garden Week

The Best Ways to Get Involved in Community Garden Week

The week of April 4th to 10th has been recognised as Community Garden Week. Many schools, communities, and businesses use gardening as a way of restoring the planet and raising awareness about rising carbon emissions.

Community Garden Week also has the mission of bringing people together to heal nature, make people happy, and rebuild the planet.

How does motto give back to the planet?

As a technology company, we appreciate how technology can make our lives easier, however, technology also has a negative impact on our planet. motto’s use of phones and laptops influences our carbon emissions. This is why we joined Ecologi to help reduce our carbon footprint and pollution.

Ecologi is an organisation dedicated to tree planting and addressing the climate crisis. Ecologi plants trees on our behalf once a month, our company’s forest is growing faster than ever, and we will continue to plant trees to combat carbon pollution. Take a look at the images below to see our forest and major milestones.

How is the motto team involved?

Our motto team has been gardening and has shared photos of their gardens. You’re mistaken if you think your garden doesn’t make much of a difference. No matter how large or tiny, every garden contributes to the environment and reduces air pollution. Plants, shrubs, and trees absorb carbon dioxide, making our planet much greener and healthier.

What can you or your company do to help?

Community garden week is only for one week, but our planet needs ongoing care. Singing up an organisation like Ecologi can aid in the health of our planet. Get your company involved by using the hashtag to share images of what you’re company has done to support Community Garden Week. #CommunityGardenWeek

Find out more

If you want to learn more about motto, check out our blog and case studies to see how we’ve helped and supported a variety of businesses. Please contact one of our friendly and knowledgeable sales reps if you are looking for Online Ordering, EPOSPayments, or Loyalty Systems.

If you’re curious about how motto can assist you, fill out our form and get started on your motto journey today.

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