Say goodbye to these 3 things to boost Easter trade

Say goodbye to these 3 things to boost Easter trade

It is that time of year again. Easter is just around the corner. The Easter period is the time of year where family and friends tend to get together by having a meal at their favourite restaurant, order their favourite hot beverages, buy Easter treats at their local café, or visit their local pub to catch up over drinks.  

The following months may also see the wintery weather begin to dissipate. If the Easter weekend brings sunshine and warmer temperatures, businesses should expect an increase in foot traffic.  

In addition, many of the pandemic curbs have been lifted. This Easter will be the first Easter, in two years, where businesses and customers will be able to enjoy this period without having to worry about any restrictions in place.   

This is ideal for hospitality firms that were among the hardest hit during the pandemic. Back in the Easter period of 2019, before the pandemic, pubs increased their sales by over 10% compared to that of the previous year.  

This Easter businesses can now get back to normal and boost their sales and revenues to match pre-pandemic levels.   

You can get your business ready to take advantage of this busy period by saying goodbye to these 3 things.  

1. Say goodbye to long queues  

A build-up of hungry or thirsty customers at your venue will see your customers leaving before they have spent a penny. In addition, your employees will be stressed and rushed off their feet. It will contribute to employee churn or at the very least have staff calling in sick at the last minute. This is not something you want to deal with during a busy Easter season.  

As well as this, if long queues are a regular occurrence at your business location customers will begin to avoid you altogether which will significantly impact your revenue. According to the Retail Times, 73% of customers abandon a queue after 5 minutes while others only wait a maximum of 2 minutes before they decide to go elsewhere. Overall, queues cost you money.  

Here at motto, we have solved the issue of long queues by offering handheld portable EPOS devices to business owners. Our picture-perfect visual of menu items means staff has no trouble processing orders. In addition, payments can be accepted on the spot at the table. Staff will no longer have to move back and forth between guests and the till at the counter.   

As the device is portable staff can process orders and payments at the seating area that is outside your business, at the very back of your pub garden, or in the upstairs area of your venue. No location is too big for us to handle. Our devices come with 4G connectivity and are sim card enabled. If necessary, we can additionally boost your Wi-Fi so that devices always work quickly and efficiently wherever they are on your business site.  

This means your queues will be virtually non-existent, your clients will be served faster and be a lot happier, and your employees will be less stressed and rushed off their feet. 

Busy restaurant

2. Say goodbye to high fees 

Make the most of this busy Easter period by streamlining your online ordering and collection services and making sure you are not paying extortionate high fees to online ordering aggregators. Some of your customers will just want a takeout to eat at home, or they may just want to pick up their favourite meal to-go and enjoy it while sitting at the bench down the road that faces the beautiful scenery. For those that do, make sure you have an online ordering and collection system in place and one that is not costing you a fortune.   

Online ordering services are known for their high pricing and impact on already slim profit margins in the hospitality industry. Why not join a platform that eliminates these exorbitant costs while also giving you more control over your online ordering services?  

Our Go Eat platform lets you create your own branded storefront, complete with your logo, colours, and other design aspects. You can upload your entire menu and fulfilment information with a few clicks in the back office. This will include information on your delivery charges and the times you deliver and your collection information.  

You will get a unique URL for your company, which means you’ll have a constant online presence for a fraction of the cost compared to when using other foodservice firms.   

We have a cheap and affordable charge of £30 a month, that’s £1 a day. Cheaper than your regular cup of coffee or a box of crème eggs! In addition, you can set your own service charge and keep 100% of it. We also ensure our transactions fees are at a low rate of 2.4% + 20p.  

With the savings you make you can decide to pass them on to your customers by charging them less, use it to hire your own drivers so you are no longer dependent on another food delivery service company, or you can keep the savings for yourself.  

We have created this platform with the end-user in mind. This means when customers place orders from your online store, they will do so in 3 simple steps. Choose menu items, fill in their details and pay. They can pay via Google Pay if they want. 

Your business will also have a QR code. Customers can scan this to be directed to your online store right away. You can plaster these anywhere including your store windows, tables, menus, and countertops. Want to reduce those long queues on a busy Friday night? Customers will be able to scan the code, place their order, and pay without waiting in line. They can then simply pick up their order for collection and go.  

The Go Eat platform has been designed to remove common obstacles that occur when placing online orders. There is no registration required to place orders and no need for customers to enter their email. Your customers will be able to place an order quickly and easily with no fuss or hassle.  3. Say goodbye to the unknown 

Data is key. Business reporting features are valuable and essential tools for any enterprise regardless of size or industry. They provide a means to track and analyse the performance and overall health of the business while identifying areas for improvement and opportunities for growth. They are vital for future forecasting and decision-making. Without them, you are operating in the unknown. Unsure of what is working, what is not working, or what areas of your business need improving.  

At motto, we make sure that the systems we supply give you access to vital data that will help you make better business decisions.  

Our EPOS systems have over 160 features. Among them are key reporting features that allow you to gain invaluable insights into top-selling products. Our back office provides a comprehensive reporting suite with a choice of over 30 reports, such as cashing up, top 20 product items, and information on profitability and low stock. You can take the information you learn to improve your business and maximise profits.   

Our loyalty solutions allow you to redeem loyalty rewards the same way as when making a contactless payment. With a simple tap of your customer’s payment device, they can claim that 10% discount or that free cup of coffee. This means businesses no longer have to issue ‘pesky’ stamp loyalty cards.   

What is also great about our loyalty solutions is the data that is collected and provided to you. You gain valuable insights into which campaigns are working best that customers are responding to the most, and which of your items are the most popular.   

The same vital reporting features are included in our Go Eat platform. You can view top-selling menu items, find out what service your customers prefer, takeaway or collection, and you can easily manage your VAT information. Reports can be easily downloaded for your own records or easily shared with other individuals involved in your business.  

Business reporting

Like what you have heard so far? Then get in touch to find out more.  

You can learn more about motto by checking out our blog and case studies to see how we’ve helped and supported a variety of businesses.  

You can also contact one of our friendly and knowledgeable sales reps if you are looking for Online Ordering, EPOS, Payments, or Loyalty Systems. 

If you’re curious about how motto can assist you, fill out our form and get started on your motto journey today. 







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