The Slow but Sure Progression of the EPOS Industry

The Slow but Sure Progression of the EPOS Industry

A slow progression

A colleague and I were discussing how motto UK came to rise so rapidly from such humble beginnings. She told me a story of how she went to a convention a few years ago regarding payment services and the gentlemen running the conference asked who among the audience were still using chip and pin to make purchases or had advanced to using contactless. Many still used chip and pin while some were proud to say they had progressed to using contactless. My colleague held her hand up and told them throughout the entire day of the convention not once had she used her debit card. She didn’t even have her debit card on her and had just been using Google Pay the entire time. Everyone in the room looked at her like she was an alien.

Needless to say, it was experiences like these that caused the management team at motto UK to spot gaps in the market. While EPOS systems have been advanced and are becoming common with businesses and organisations it’s progression and uptake has perhaps not been as quick as it should have been when keeping up with people’s purchasing habits.

The need to adapt

In the past, when EPOS systems came about, they were only really adopted by large businesses. The reason being was because they were pricey. Only the big companies could afford to adopt them. Not to mention the technology itself, while adequate, was still basic and rudimentary in contrast to what it could be. The management team at motto UK coming from a tech background saw the writing on the wall. With the rise of online shopping, contactless payments, and apps making payment transactions as seamless and instant as possible smaller businesses were going to need to find ways to accommodate.

This was made evident by an unforeseeable global pandemic. Now not only does instant, convenient and seamless factor into people’s purchasing habits but cleanliness does also. The less consumers have to touch other devices or hand over cash to others the cleaner the transaction. In addition, the pandemic has completely altered the hospitality sector’s table service process. There are limits on in-door seating and being able to serve customers from the outside for some businesses is now crucial. Pub and Restaurant giant WeatherSpoons no longer require you to speak to hospitality staff. Just download an app and wait for your order at your table. With processes like these being adopted by big companies, smaller ones need to adapt fast.

What motto can do for you?

This is where motto excels. Our focus is on SMEs. Our EPOS terminal and devices can be purchased at affordable prices and the services our terminal provides are not just limited to payments. Handheld devices allow you to take orders and payments anywhere on your premises, you can easily download reports, track your stock, and implement a loyalty scheme of your choice. In addition, our devices allow for orders to be easily passed onto kitchen printers for seamless processing making it a must-have for retailers in the hospitality sector. Typically businesses encourage repeat purchasing by customers by handing over loyalty cards. We’ve all been there when you know you’re entitled to that free coffee as this is your fifth purchase only you’ve lost that stamped loyalty card you had that proved it. With motto our devices remembers for the customer. If a customer is entitled to any offerings the device remembers from the card the customer uses. A staff member will inform the customer they are entitled to money off or that free latte simply by looking at the screen.

To find out more check out some of our EPOS products or learn more about which loyalty schemes you can implement using our devices. You can also read about our case studies to find out just how many businesses motto has helped.

Like what you’ve heard so far? Then get in touch

If we’ve piqued your interest, then get in touch. Take a look at some of our other blogs and case studies to see how we’ve assisted and supported a variety of businesses.

Please contact one of our friendly and knowledgeable sales reps if you are looking for Online Ordering, EPOS, Payments, or Loyalty systems. If you’re curious about how motto can assist you, fill out our form and get started on your motto journey today.

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