6 reasons to shop online

6 reasons to shop online

The amount of people who order online in the UK is continuously on the rise. About 70% of Britans say buying online and on mobile phones has become their preferred shopping method, up from less than half before the coronavirus pandemic. 

However, there may still be a few of you who have not caught onto the online shopping trend, or only shop online on a few occasions. If so, you’ll be missing out on the numerous advantages that come with online shopping. 

Person paying for online shopping

Let’s look at the 6 key reasons why online shopping is such a benefit. 

1. There’s a larger variety of products

Physical stores have a limited amount of stock. There is a maximum capacity to how much stock a store can hold. As a result, they are likely to only offer popular items. As a shopper, this means you have a  limited product choice. By shopping online, you get access to a vast range of products. 

2. It’s convenient

When you shop online you don’t need to get ready or spend money on travel to get to stores to buy items. You can visit multiple stores with the tip of your fingers. Online shopping allows you to buy items anytime and anywhere, so you don’t need to worry about opening hours. You can also make purchases using multiple devices. With a few simple clicks, you can order a product, confirm payment, and see its shipping status from the comfort of your desk at home or in the palm of your hand whilst out and about.

3. Easy access to discounts

It’s easy to search for deals, join reward programmes, and get promotions that can instantly be sent to your inbox when you buy online. 45% of consumers also use deal-finding browser extensions or plug-ins like Honey, Pricescout, and Amazon Assistant to help them get the best deal possible. 

Many E-retailers use special loyalty programmes and reward schemes to entice consumers to shop with them over competitors. By shopping online you’ll get easier access to discounts that’ll help you save money.

 4. No crowds or having to wait in line

The majority of us hate standing in line waiting to pay. Also, since Covid-19 standing in line close to strangers is a major health concern. 

Another factor to consider is parking. When visiting physical shops many locations may have limited parking resulting in driving around to find an empty parking space or waiting until a parking spot is available. You also have to spend additional amounts of money on parking fees if there is no free parking available. These problems are all avoided when shopping online. 

Women shopping online

5. A seamless checkout experience

Possessing items immediately is one of the advantages when making purchases at physical stores. However, online retailers know that consumers want their goods as soon as their order is placed. This is why they offer next-day delivery options or offer free delivery when a consumer spends a certain amount. Around 28% of shoppers shop online because of the ease of next-day delivery while 53% of customers claim free delivery charges to be the purpose of online shopping. 

By shopping online you also get the added benefit of not having to carry around your shopping. Instead, with a few simple clicks, you can have your order delivered straight to your doorstep allowing you to avoid these problems.

6. See reviews

Being able to view reviews and customer testimonials provides shoppers with a sense of security when deciding to make a purchase. 71% of shoppers are influenced by the product with the best ratings and reviews. 68% of shoppers are influenced by reviews that contain photos or videos. Looking at reviews allows you to make an informed decision about uncertain purchases. This is something that is not easily accessible if you solely make purchases at brick-and-mortar stores.

To sum up

Online ordering has numerous benefits so if you tend to avoid it you are missing out on the many advantages that come from making purchases online. Businesses are aware of the rise in online shopping trends so do their best to offer a seamless online shopping experience and offer the best online discounts to entice consumers and stand out from the competition. As a customer, you can take advantage of this and get the best deal possible when making online purchases. This is not easy to do if you only buy items by visiting physical stores. 

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