A list of 4 reasons why your business should be online

A list of 4 reasons why your business should be online

Why use Go Eat? Why should your business be online? Well, look down at your phone and imagine you’ve found a great new restaurant online. You’d be able to see the menu and its location and order from them from anywhere. In this digital age, it’s a must for businesses to use the internet to bring customers in through their digital doors.

We’ve put together a list of four compelling reasons why you should have an online presence and why you should choose Go Eat.

1. The opportunity to sell to new and existing customers

Did you know that in 2020, around 45.4 million people purchased items online in the UK? Compared to the whole population, that is a remarkable 81.1%

With an online shop, you have the opportunity to reach more people and sell to more potential customers. You will also be able to sell to existing customers, many of your existing customers will want to be able to access your products or services from the comfort of their own homes without having to enter a store.

63% of shopping occasions begin online. This means that regardless of whether your customers make their final purchase online or in your store, their customer journey began online. They could have been browsing your store or looking up your address. Your online shop is more powerful than you think!

2. Showcase your amazing products or services

No matter what you are selling or how niche your products or business is you can still benefit from an online store. You can show your potential customers what products or services you are offering. Taking high-quality images of your products increases the likelihood of online purchases. Similar to customers coming into your physical store the customers will want to see what products you have and take a look before purchasing.

With nearly half of consumers shopping on their mobile, it’s a great opportunity to show off your products and get online orders.

3. Your online store can bring long-term business success

Not only will your online store increase your sales and help with long-term success, but it will also allow you to compete with your competitors. Businesses succeed by becoming well-known in their industry, adopting new trends, and being innovative.

Your long-term success is dependent on having an online store and diversifying your income streams. As a result, of having an online presence you will be able to raise brand awareness for your company and products.

eCommerce retail purchases are expected to increase from 14% to 22% in 2023, which is why your business must sell online, and increase your chances of long-term business success.

4. Your online store can be cost-effective

You’ve probably already looked into online platforms, but having an online store doesn’t have to be expensive. Many online platforms charge fees to set up your store and take large percentages of your orders. Online ordering giants such as Deliveroo and Uber Eats, for example, take up to 30% of your order value. ETSY, another major company, charges a 6.5% transaction fee.

Go Eat is free to use however we have payment fees of 2.4% + 20p per for our platform, and you can have your online store up and running in minutes. Go Eat is one of the most cost-effective online platforms.
When deciding on an online platform, consider your monthly orders as well as your order values. Our handy online calculator can show you how much money you can save by using Go Eat.


Ultimately, building an online store for your business is more than just making an online presence. It’s about providing information to customers who are interested in what you have to offer, finding new customers, and challenging existing ones. The great news is that Go Eat helps you do all this. We make it easy so you can focus on what you do best – running your business!

Find out more


Contact our friendly sales representatives for more information about Go Eat, or sign up right away. You can have your online store up and running in minutes thanks to our four-step signup process.

More information, as well as exclusive updates and news, can be found on our Facebook and Instagram pages. You can also learn more about Go Eat Hub on our hub, as well as the most recent online ordering tips and advice for business owners.

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